
Well, I’ll be damned if I know how to win big cash prizes, but while you wait for your ship to come in (and wait… and wait) you should be listening to this weeks 11L/RNI Extravagonzo.

Another entertaining and informative mix of the serious and the silly, splatters all over WBCQ, and on-line at JohnLightning.Com this evening at 8 PM Eastern time.

It’s another ALL LIVE broadcast of news, views, and lots of offensive nonsense, THREE HOURS of required radio.

Do join us promptly at 8 PM, or on-line ONLY, at 7:30 PM, for the pre game music show. And call in LIVE to 347 850 0442, or write us at

Don’t miss out on talk radio with the up yours difference, tonight a 8 PM…

Use the links on the upper right hand side of the page to listen!




Thanks to the prodigious efforts of former and now once more current 11L/RNI staff member and programmer L.F. Midwood, our website has been upgraded to resolve all the loading problems we were experiencing.

To insure that the site, and all the archival pages run properly, it was necessary to make changes to our some of our audio links.

The Hi, Lo, and Replay Stream links required, are all just a click away, on the right hand side of our home page, at the top of the page. They all all fully operational, at a 192K bitrate, and we foresee no further changes to them. We expect that it will be many years before we shall require any more upgrades or changes (he writes, fingers and legs crossed).

Therefore, should you experience any difficulties accessing our next broadcast, be certain to use the links on the homepage for the .pls file that will open up our audio streams.

The links to all of our pages have changed, including our archives, that link is just below the listen live and streaming link.

Our webcast page, with direct access to the live and replay links, can now be accessed at this address:

So be sure to replace and/or delete any old, non-functional links, and assure yourself of many years of quality 11L RNI programming (and my shows too!)

My thanks to everyone involved in this ongoing effort. Without the support of The Planet WBCQ, and our pallies at Area 51, and the encouragement of our longtime broadcasting partners at the Hank & Jim Radio Network, we would have retired from this gig long ago (and your life would suck to a much greater degree).

But due to L.F.’s diligence, and my foolish need to keep doing this, we shall carry on in the grand tradition of radio without rules… and talent, but hey, that’s never gotten in the way of us doing what we do yet!

John L.