(Or, how to make you Sunday absolutely perfect)
Join radios premier nut job, your pal, John P. Lightning, for three hours of radio worth the three hours.

Commencing at 8 PM Eastern, The Extravagonzo, will be live, bringing you music, news, comedy and just plain old fashioned fun… nudity and seditious talk too.

So use the links available at JOHNLIGHTNIG.COM to listen. If your listening on a portable device, use this link for the most reliable ‘reception” with thanks as always, to our pally Brad.

Dave THE Boogie Man, has prepared an 30 minute pre game show (available on-line only) that begins at 7:30 so make at least three and one half hours available for tonight’s programming, which as always airs live on The Planet, WBCQ. Tune to 6.160 on your shortwave enabled radio, and listen to radio the old fashioned way… ON THE RADIO!