Or so I’d like to think it will be.
And with our first EXTRAVAGONZO of the new year this evening, we shall once again, present our bi-weekly seminar on how to do great radio.
There is much to discuss, and at times the show may get a tad too serious… because it will need to.
But the usual silly jokes, odd bits, quality music and too many jingles, will keep you infortained this evening, from 8 PM until 11 on WBCQ (at 6.160 Mhz, and at the usual links provided below)
Aaron the K has provided another choice quality pre game show that can be heard ON LINE ONLY, also using those links provided below.
So, prepare yourself for three hours of radio as Marconi intended. It’s Radio NewYork International’s EXTRAVAGONZO… radio, with the free speech difference.
SHOW AUDIO LINKS (Courtesy of Brad & Larry, thanks guys!)


Yes, despite the computer ‘eating’ the show open I spent the better part of two weeks scripting, we will have a show, and a damn good one for you this evening.
The best variety show on the radio makes it’s bi-weekly appearance on ‘The Planet’, WBCQ (at 6.160 Mega-hertz) at 8 PM Eastern. It’s essential listening for the essentially cognitively enhanced.
As always, a pre game music show will warm up our internet feed commencing at 7:30 PM. Use the links below to ‘tune-in’, and the provided E Mail address to interact live with the show.
And yes, we will hear two songs by Tony the B, which I grew up loving, well before I’d ever heard of Jerry Garcia… and I still love ’em both!
As always, thanks to Brad & Larry & the crews of their respective networks, for providing the audio server delivering our shows to you!


Yes, despite having had other ‘chores’ to attend to since our last get together, and a general ‘fuck it’ feeling towards radio (AKA: Just plain ‘ol burnt out) we have cobbled together another three hours of airwaves alchemy.
We will as always, discuss current events, play some music I need to hear, share your E Mail submissions, and, after this week’s Town Hall (of sorts) featuring Deadbeat Donald, I shall take my usual critical look at the former scumbag-in-cheif to remind you that he is still a clear and present danger to our democracy.
You are not permitted to miss a single minute of this evenings mix of news, opinion and tasteless humor, else you be exiled to the Isle of Staten (Trust me, you don’t want that to happen).
As usual, an ON-LINE ONLY pre-game show warms up our Internet feed, beginning at 7:30 Eastern. Dave THE Boogie Man, has prepared a special John Lennon tribute show (Gee, did he die again?).
And commandeering the airwaves of WBCQ at 8 PM Eastern, YOUR Extravagonzo, three of the most required hours of radio available anywhere.
Use the links below to hear the show in full phase stereophonic sound on the device of your choice, and marvel at the genius that is 11L-RNI programming… and, John P Lightning!
And don’t be a lazy prick (Besides, that is my job) and E Mail us with suggestions, comments, or whatever is on your mind, using this address:
I expect to hear from you… but won’t be surprised if I don’t… but I will be pissed.
As always, props to Brother Brad & Larry & their staffs, for the generosity that they shown us, in helping us to get 11L-RNI programming on the air every week. Thank you, boys (and girls),


Yeah, YOU! I have it on reliable word, that you have yet to listen to our most recent Extravagonzo.
Now if I am wrong, and you have, my apologies… OTHERWISE, use the link below and get on over to SOUNDCLOUD now, and partake of all three hours of bloviation brilliance, and redeem yourself.
As always, our show come with this guarantee. If you do not fully enjoy the show and agree with me that is the finest radio show ever, anywhere… you… are an asshole.
So, please, to protect your reputation… don’t be an asshole, and listen to our 11L/RNI broadcast now!… or in the not-too-distant future.
I thank you, and thinking people everywhere, thank you!


Yes, we have a full plate of programming, overflowing our time slot, this evening on WBCQ, and at John Lightning.Com
We will commence with another great pre game music show courtesy of Aaron The K of Powepopaholic.Com, ON LINE ONLY at 7:30 PM Eastern. And then the usual silliness begins at 8PM Eastern, as we rant wildly, play a tune or two, and welcome back, by less than popular demand, our ‘HEADLINES YOU MAY HAVE MISSED’ segment.
We shall also offer copious commentary on current news, and trash
Marjorie Trailer ‘Simple’ Greene because, well, because she
deserves it!
During the 10PM hour of our show, we will be chatting with our pally Mark Yoshimoto Nemcoff, a big-league voice over guy, author, radio & TV personality, and all-around interesting guy.
Mark propagates a YOUTUBE channel by the name of ‘The
Microphone Assassin’, dedicated to news, views and technical
minutia related to… yep… microphones, and we will also chat with him about his adventures in Hollywood, his love affair with
microphones, and have fun doing so until last call at 11PM.
So, prepare for another three hours of the radio variety show you
know as the Extravagonzo… as usual it will be fucking great!
E MAIL THE LIVE BROADCAST: Johnplightning@aol.com
And listen at these wonderful links:
And as aways, THANK YOU to Brad & Larry & all the odd characters
that make WBCQ possible!


Quite a claim, eh? well, why not. We work hard every day to provide infotainment unsurpassed by those commercial cisterns that barely pass for radio.
Tonight, the usual confluence of conflicting programming elements, including your musical requests, and discussion of the Bud Light brew-ha-ha, along with a primer on Trans actor Dylan Mulvaney, Clarence the Clown Thomas, The Tennessee Three, today’s mass shootings, and a couple of other items should time allow.
Listen at the links below and respond and participate with yours truly in doing the show by E Mai. It will be three hours well misspent. Hey, would I bullshit you?
E Mail: Johnplightning@aol.Com
Listen here: (Thanks to Brad & Larry as always)
Above: Ben Shapiro & Dylan Mulvaney… separated at birth it seems.


With unlimited thanks to Larry and LF Midwood, we will be ALL NEW AND ALL LIVE this evening with another 12 out of 10-star Extravagonzo.
Actually, I only had today to cobble together a show, but I’ll do my best not to disappoint (Like that is possible!)

Our very own Dave THE Boogie Man will join us for three hours of whatever our warped minds can conjure out of the vast nothingness that comprises our inert intellects.
Dave has prepared a swell Pre Game Show, commencing at 7:30 Eastern, ONLINE ONLY, at Johnlightning.com

The usual mess begins at 8PM Eastern, online and on the air courtesy of WBCQ (at 6.160 for those of you addicted to listening to radio on the radio)
As always, you E Mails are encouraged, send them to: Johnplightning@aol.com

Use the links provided below and at our web site, to hear every moment of the madness (Thanks as always to Larry & Brad for enabling us to do so)

Work continues on our in-house server, so stay tuned to this FACEBOOK page, and our web site for all the irrelevant details. THANKS! Good luck and good health to all.


Well, it was a tough week at the 11L facility, trying to clear up personal issues, but fortunately our own LF Midwood is visiting the 11L facility attempting to get our in-house audio server operational.
So far, LF has made great progress, but the server is refusing to work properly, so with all that technical work going on I’ve had little time to write & produce an ‘actual’ Extravagonzo. But LF will be here to help me fake a show, and…

As a listener wanted me to give a short rap about those halcyon days of unlicensed broadcasting, and I and LF shall… BUT, to kill some good time, I’ll be presenting about an hour of a WJPL FM (No, there was no AM) aircheck from June of 1989, just a few shows away from the FCC bust that ended our run.
My DAW software crashed after 2 1/2 hours of editing it, forcing me to do it all over again (Yep, that kind of day), but we did, and I hope you enjoy a typically not typical peek back into the past, the roots of 11L Radio, shitty in-house PAMS jingles and all… PLUS…

I will spend part of the last hour of the show explaining my animus for ‘The Reverend’ Al Sharp-Tonge, something RNI listener Sal asked for weeks ago, and after Al the grifter attached himself to Tyre Nichols eulogy this week, there is no better time to fill in the blanks and remind you why I despise the scumbag.
All that, some tunes, and I’m not sure what else as show prep time was so limited, so expect a mad mess of disjointed music & fun this evening at 8PM Eastern on the 11L Network, and of course ‘The Planet’ WBCQ (at 6.160Mhz)

And at 7:30 PM ON LINE ONLY, another great pre-game show courtesy our pally Aaron you must listen to. Use the links below for the audio.

And copious thanks to Brother Brad & Net audio expert Larry, who generously gave of his time to help us in setting up the server, which will hopefully be fully operational for our next show.


As I am not doing a show this Sunday, my written words will have to do, because of the level of anger I have after witnessing the video horror that was Tyre D. Nichols death by cop(s).
If the murder of Tyre Nichols did not disgust you, anger you, sadden you, your humanity is in question. Try to justify what the video evidence shows, and it’s likely your broken in some way.

On Jan. 7, the 29-year-old Nichols, a person of color, was pulled over on ‘suspicion’ of reckless driving in an ‘incident’ perpetrated by 5 law enforcement officers of color. Video footage shows officers pulling Nichols out of the car after which Nichols fled the scene and was apprehended again and beaten to death.

The officers beat Nichols with their fists, a baton, kicks to the head, mace, pepper spray, and a taser. Twenty minutes later… twenty fucking minutes later… one of these brigands called for EMS. When they finally arrive, they seem to move without any particular haste to get him in an ambulance for the lifesaving aid he needed. To which one can only say, WHAT THE FUCK!
The former officers charged with his murder, all of whom are black, were fired last week after an internal investigation and were then arrested Thursday and released on bond within hours.

Five officers of color patrolling a predominantly black neighborhood. Five officers without a hint of decency for one of… ‘Their Own’. And most people of color know that just because officers may share their race, it does not mean better or fair treatment. It can very well lead to bogus charges, or an outcome far worse, as we witnessed.

Diverse policing obviously does not prevent brutality, it does not prevent cops who want to deliver street justice, cops who are pissed that they pepper sprayed each other when trying to ‘subdue’ Tyre, and then had to run themselves breathless to take him down.
They murdered a 29-year-old unarmed man, who by the way, seems to have had no police record, no arrest record, no criminal past, because if he did, I’m sure those lawyers charged with defending those officers, would have certainly let us know that.

One need not wonder why the police are looked upon as an occupying force, the enemy, by those living in crime enriched neighborhoods, AKA, those areas where mainly persons of color live.
The cops of this special enforcement unit that patrols the area of Memphis where Tyre met his doom, have been known to get a bit ‘untidy’ in their enforcement of law and order.
The ‘Scorpion’ unit did what a Scorpion does… KILL. This ‘special’ policing team, oh yeah, they were special alright… specially brutal, killed Tyre, administered a beat down because they could… and then did nothing for 20 minutes after they were satisfied that he was ‘no longer a threat’. Savages, each and every one of them.

Even EMS on the scene were slow in getting Tyre the medical assistance he badly needed. You could even hear one cop say, ‘That was fun’ after helping to permanently subdue Tyre Nichols… ‘Fun’… what a degenerate scumbag.

One wants to support police without equivocation. We want to believe they’re to a man, public servants first, certainly not criminals in disguise. That sure was not true for those thugs in blue who took the life of an unarmed man, with no prior history of criminal activity, an unarmed, gainfully employed man whose life ended for no good fucking reason!
They began to escalate the stop immediately… a traffic infraction stop… or so we are told. And they’ve yet to tell us, just what traffic infraction he committed, if any.
They were pissed from the start, and then got really, really upset, when he literally did run for his life, and they took out their rage on him.
For many police, what we saw was, was business as usual, the type of shit that before body cams and surveillance cams, would go unpunished most every time because the police invariably get the ‘benefit of the doubt’, even though they are trained… trained to lie and back up each other’s lies.

Serial killers, mass murderers, rapist, molesters don’t end up beaten to death like Tyre, who took an unjustified and inhuman beating from pissed off policemen dispensing ‘street justice’… for an alleged traffic violation.
How many beat downs get issued for running a red light? Or for expired tags? Or a signal light out? Or windows a tad too tinted? Any excuse to make a stop, is often excuse enough to lead to disaster.

Yeah, it’s a tough job, blah, blah, blah… BULLSHIT.


The extended audio version of our article regarding the murder of Tyre D. Nichols, and his family’s sad decision to have long time grifter of persons of color, Al Sharpton, eulogize him at service scheduled for next week. Listen and share this audio with friends and family for a serious dose of common sense about this breach of decency and law.

Listen and/or download the audio at: https://soundcloud.com/ohn…/the-tyre-nichols-assassination

Our RNI host and dear friend Dave THE Boogie Man, will be airing this audio on his show Sunday evening. Check his posting for links or find them at JohnLightning.Com