Lying to their base… is likely what right-wing media does best.
If you get your news from the likes of FOX NEWS (AKA FAUX NEWS) you are being intentionally lied to, so that the networks agenda, can provide its audience with the news it desires, the news it wants to hear to confirms its beliefs… not the actual news. Not the truth. Not the facts.
I mention this, because of the wholly fabricated, made-up BULLSHIT propagated by the likes of FOX ‘NEWS’, and right wing media overall.
They lie to satisfy their base, to give them a version of news that isn’t quite news. This has resulted in a dumbed down America, one more interested in stopping ‘THE WOKE’ than providing the truth and the facts.
This keeps the consumers of this ‘not really the ‘news’ uninformed, underinformed, and just plain old stupid… purposefully!
They use fascist scare tactics to gin up outrage where none should exist. They make being aware… in possession of the facts and the truth, somehow wrong, even dangerous. After all being so, is downright anti-American… and a sure sign of incipient communism.
This past Sunday was the International Transgender Day of Visibility… a day of recognition of Trans people, which was first celebrated on March 31st, 2009.
Since that day, it has ALWAYS been celebrated on the last day of the month, which just happened to be the same day Easter was celebrated this year.
Of course, right wing media played up this coincidence as purposeful, as President Biden trying in some way, to diminish Easter, as an affront to Christianity… as if Jesus, perhaps religions single all time MOST WOKE SAVIOR would have cared or taken offense… or been anything other than supportive of.
That fact was wielded as a cudgel against democrats and ‘libs’ in general, inferring that they were attempting to blaspheme the day and J.C.
FOX presented this coincidence as such an affront. And as usual, the real ‘snowflakes’ here, are those on the right, always trying to find reasons to be outraged and angry.
Joe Biden did not mention the congruent celebrations to be such, however his press secretary did. But the FOX idiot ‘news’ person, played a rather edited video of her speaking about the International Transgender Day of Visibility, which omitted this fact.
He then railed against this outrage, insisting it was done on purpose, to offend Christians, and diminish the true meaning of the day. Typical FOX bullshit from a ‘news’ network, worthy only of our contempt. Selective deception is what they do best.
To further insult the FOX audience of Trump taint ticklers, the FOX host then expressed outrage, OUTRAGE I TELL YA… because the Easter eggs rolled across the White House lawn on Easter, specifically excluded any religious iconography on them.
Yep, no depictions of Jesus, or the cross, or any other images related to the Christian celebration of Easter Sunday. He inferred that was intentional.
Well, it was not. Indeed, that secularizing restriction, has been in effect since 1976, placed there and approved by the White House, at the request of the National Egg Board, who wanted the day… and eggs, to not just be associated with the celebration of a particular religious event.
In 1976, the President of the nation, was Gerald Ford, a Republican. Since 1976, Republican and Democratic Presidents have had no problem with this ‘restriction’.
But the anti-woke snowflakes of right-wing media world realized they could use this ‘restriction’ to fuel more outrage and hate, and make it seem as if those damn lefties were shitting on Christianity yet again!
And this charge was made against Joe Biden, a practicing Catholic… unlike the former President, Deadbeat Donald, who is only a practicing fascist… and is getting better at being one every day!
But this is the party line of a political party with no agenda for actually making America ‘great’ again, a party with no policies, plans or programs (but perhaps some pogroms) for the nation.
Again, the not quite FOX ‘NEWS’ communications cistern used lies to ramp up hate and fear and knowingly deceived its audience… knowing that few of those listening, would become aware of the truth.
If you are inclined to believe whatever nonsense these scumbags present as news… news often free of the facts and the truth, know that it helps them program you into the cult… and remain asleep to the facts and the truth, instead of being woke and alert and Beijing able to discern reality from their made up not really reality.
So, yes… because I do research this stuff, you may call me WOKE! And damn right I am! I am woke… and if you are not… WHY?
Those who get their ‘news’ from these true purveyors of non-news, crafted to appeal to the right’s useful idiots, rarely realize how they are being used.
Which may include you. Are you one of those everyday sleepy headed Mr. & Ms. Van Winkle’s? If so, may I advise you to wake the fuck up already… or you may as well start sleeping on a MY PILLOW… after all, it will be hard to not be awake, if you’re sleeping on one of those lumpy pieces of foam trash!
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