If the Joe Biden on display last night was to debate Deadbeat Donald tomorrow, Trump would be finished. He would look and sound every bit the policy free, cognitively compromised clueless demigod he his.
The State Of The Union (SOTU) is ‘Meh”. Biden has not been a disaster, but I don’t think anyone could have done much better. Certainly not Deadbeat Donald who surely is not the answer to the nations problems, unless revenge, retribution and the end of democracy are ones reasons to vote for the aberration that is Deadbeat Donald.
As SOTU speeches go, it was good, not the usual bland presentation, and it was way more political than most such speeches… as it needed to be!
Joe sounded the alarm, warning against 4 more years of Deadbeat Donald hell, without ever mentioning him by name. Biden did not dignify Deadbeat Donald in that way.
Biden was downright presidential. He was energetic and focused. As Keith Olbermann said “I’ll have whatever he had taken”.
And Uncle Joe certainly did not seem diminished, speaking fairly factually, sprinkling in the usual BS and bluster, along with promises of programs he ‘intends’ to push for, some of which he should have done already.
Compared to the rambling rants that Deadbeat Donald has sputtered through in recent months, Uncle Joe delivered his speech quite well. And he KNOWS how to read a teleprompter.
I have been saying that I do not think Deadbeat Donald will debate Uncle Joe. And after last nights impassioned presentation, now I am even more certain that Deadbeat Donald will not risk going face to face with Biden. Only his hard core, gun toting true believers would be left thinking that he deserves 4 more years in which to replace our democracy with the theocracy he and his Christian Nationalist enablers seek.
Compared to Deadbeat Donald, Biden was a fount of truth. I’m sure he will be fact checked on his speech, something Deadbeat Donald does not have to worry about, as facts and Deadbeat Donald have never been a ‘thing’, and who has that much free time!
Deadbeat Donald’s recent public appearances, have been anything but truthful and factual (as per usual), as he praises insurrectionist, dictators and fuels hate and division to regain the throne… and stay out of prison. Yep, business as usual.
Biden hit most all of the key talking points he needed to address. The opening 8 minutes or so of the speech was well executed, reminding those watching why he should remain in the catbird seat, as opposed to Deadbeat Donald who presents nothing more than the usual tropes of fear and anger to divide us further, the only way to shore up his moribund career.
The dottering old guy narrative fell apart last night. Earlier yesterday one of my somewhat conservative Facebook friends posted a doctored pic of Uncle Joe captioned “State of Confusion Address”… wrong again pal.
The Republicans were mostly orderly, save for the usual suspect, Marjorie Traitor Greene, the classless cunt of Congress who was as usual a disruptive fool, as that’s the only thing at which this aboriginal asshole excels. Biden ignored her outburst, likely the right thing to do, although I kept hoping he would tell her to STFU!
A Republican congressman began yelling ‘LIAR’ at him later in the speech, apparently reprising what MTG did in a previous Biden SOTU… are those two fucking one another… when not fucking we the people?
And did you notice Loren ‘Boobert’ sitting alongside Matt Gaetz… guess he was in need of a quick hand job!
The SOTU was just what Joe and the nation needed, as this fall’s election WILL BE the most important of our lifetime.
Pal, we cannot survive 4 additional years of Deadbeat Donald and the assault upon our democracy he will bring. And I cannot fathom any reasons you can give me, as to why he would be better for we the people.
But please, if you disagree, stow the useless invective, and make your arguments to the counter please. I would enjoy a lively and polite discourse with you, here, or live on our next Extravagonzo.
Thanks for reading and be well!