(NOTE: TLDR… If you do not have 5 minutes or so to read this missive (and I suggest you do), an expanded audio version is available using this link:
and YOUR COMMENTS… would be most welcomed!
Well, the so-called FBI whistle blower Alexander Smirnoff, tuns out to be a Russian plant, a Russian spy, a Putin placed tool used to discredit Uncle Joe, and aid Vlad’s favorite dictator-in-waiting, Deadbeat Donald himself.
Smirnoff turns out to be a Russian spy… and also has had contacts with…China! Nothing to see here? Hardly pal!

The FBI arrested him last week. He lied to them, using provable lies, that could get him a decade or two in the slammer. Of course, the Repugnicans will claim that this was done by order of the head of the “BIDEN CRIME FAMILY”, and is yet more Democratic ‘election interference, implemented to keep the ‘rightful’ President from becoming our nation’s first King! And millions… millions… do buy into that bilge! Sad!
Smirnoff told the FBI the ‘information’ he has been peddling, was provided to him by… Russian intelligence agency officials! OF COURSE! All the long-standing BS about the smoking gun laptop, and the claims of payoffs to Uncle Joe, all disinformation.
Pally, we’ve been had… tricked. Deadbeat Donald regularly proclaims from atop his clown shoe-box, that the “BIDEN CRIME FAMILY” is crooked to the core, making him the worst President ever.
Smirnoff admitted that officials associated with Russian intelligence gave him the phony intel, which he then used to ‘get’ Biden. And why? Why did he do that? What was he paid… and by who… to do that?
As always, it’s not about doing what is best for ‘We the people’, but for he, the former Scumbag-In-Chief.
After years of having to endure the unproven and unprovable claptrap about the ‘Biden Crime Family’, the Repugs effort to impeach Uncle Joe for crimes unspecified, should finally die the ignominious death that Putin should!
Talk about a Russian hoax. The whole “BIDEN CRIME FAMILY”… is nonsense! All the charges the Repugnicans have proffered against Uncle Joe… in an attempt to invent ANY reason to impeach him… are courtesy of a Russian disinformation campaign… crafted to help create a reason to impeach Biden, and nothing more!
And of course, his hard core, ‘Ultra Maggots” (Ultra dummies I say) believe it. They’ll fall for his bluster and bullshit every time, every fucking time! Because they have to! Else they admit they’ve been tricked and deceived… which is not an option for the true believers.
It was all crafted, and likely paid for, to help him. It’s a disinformation campaign developed by Russia, to help further the end of our democracy. It’s totally fabricated, made in Moscow BULLSHIT! And many of us, are not at all surprised at that truth.
Nothing but bullshit, should be his campaign slogan for 2024. The Biden crime family, Hunters laptop… Hunters fucking laptop!
Were suppose to believe that his unseen, yet still storied laptop, contains information, that would prove, abso-fucking-lutely prove… the criminal enterprise he and daddy have been engaged in.
We all know that Hunter left this laptop at a repair shop… and then somehow… despite the ‘sensitive’ information, the convictable data on it… he just… forgot… about… it. Gee, was he THAT fucking high at the time? (Well, possibly)
Then we’ve been told that laptop, somehow found its way into the “Just For Men’ stained hands of Rudolph Gouhliani? Get the fuck out of here!
So… just who has bought into this Everest of disinformation, just what people cling to their unprovable belief, that Joe Biden is sharing a bed with the Russians, and ‘Ghina’, excuse me, China… or whatever wholly invented bogey man it may be that prop ells their agenda… at the considerable expense of the truth and facts… which…. most of his minions apparently believe, are anything but.
Only a fool, or Trumps MAGGOTS… excuse me, that was a tad redundant… can ignore what is obvious to those not in the thrall of the former ogre in the oval office.
But these are many of his people, the ‘poorly educated’ who he has proclaimed his love for. The exemplars of extreme stupidity, who attend his American Bund rally’s.
The MAGOTTS need something, anything to use against the forgetful old guy… the septuagenarian-In-Chief… yes Jon Stewart, we know he is old… now STFU… the China controlled Democrat at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave… It’s all projection with these Repugnican traitors.
They see Biden as the “Where’s my soup’ superannuated ‘Russian Tool’ in the Oval Office. These Repugnicans do more projecting than every movie theater projectionist ever!
They continue to do Putin’s heavy lifting for him. Those Repugnicans excel at trying to deflect the nation’s attention from the REAL crime family… the one now headquartered out of that overpriced shithouse in Florida.
And I must ask… are you not tired of the lies, Russian spies, and the manipulation of the government, by Repugnican congressional enablers?
Well, not if you are a red cap clad, clown shoe horned into submission, reality free loyalist to Deadbeat Donald, who… and I do not want to believe all of his loyal minions are so stupid as to not know or admit… that Donnie has no loyalty to this nation at all, at all!
And for those, who may loathe me for what I say, and the manner in which I present it… I only feel sorry… sorry, for those whose political agenda demands they believe… or pretend to out loud… the lunatic ravings of Deadbeat Donald and his enablers.
They’ll tell you that we cannot allow the ‘WOKE’ to continue to be in charge… and by the way, that specious charge… is yet another turd of totally, unmitigated, 40 weight, government grade, bullshit. Just another tool for these tools of Mother Russia to wield badly in their attempt to end this republic.
Bullshit so well-crafted and refined… that it does not even smell all that bad… at least to them. “Hey, do I detect the scent of lilacs in the air”?… er no, N-O, you tools of Trump and his lying legion of losers! You who will never admit to what a fucking mistake you make by continuing to enable Trump.
America may yet realize the extent to which it has been manipulated, deceived, and delivered into the hands of toddler Trumps enablers in the Kremlin. But I fear, yes, I do fear… that we may not be smart enough or informed enough to do so.
If you favor fascism over freedom, then you will not heed this warning. And the last remaining shards of our democracy will perish, if this parsimonious prick should be allowed to become our dictator, but just on day one… day one of the 1,460 or so days this rodent could serve if enough of us are dumb sufficient to allow it.
That is a Fuhrer, I mean future… that could spell ‘Game Over’ for this last great experiment for our kinda, almost, at times… shaky democracy… but one still worth preserving. At least for those who shiv a git about freedom, liberty, and decency.
If you disagree, please comment below, or by E-Mail to Johnplightning@AOL.COM. I will publish any E-Mailed comments here on the book of face, so as to provide you with ‘equal time’. I always welcome polite and constructive interaction with those who may be 180 degrees or so out of sync with my politics.
If you just desire to be an odious prick, replying with useless invective, don’t waste my time, or that of those reading this post.
To all others, I thank you for taking the time to read my missive. And if you missed our last Extravagonzo, use the link below, to make up for that mistake, and avail yourself of three hours of the best in radio infotainment.
Thanks again.
Well, the so-called FBI whistle blower Alexander Smirnoff, tuns out to be a Russian plant, a Russian spy, a Putin placed tool used to discredit Uncle Joe, and aid Vlad’s favorite dictator-in-waiting, Deadbeat Donald himself.
Smirnoff turns out to be a Russian spy… and also has had contacts with…China! Nothing to see here? Hardly pal!
The FBI arrested him last week. He lied to them, using provable lies, that could get him a decade or two in the slammer. Of course, the Repugnicans will claim that this was done by order of the head of the “BIDEN CRIME FAMILY”, and is yet more Democratic ‘election interference, implemented to keep the ‘rightful’ President from becoming our nation’s first King! And millions… millions… do buy into that bilge! Sad!
Smirnoff told the FBI the ‘information’ he has been peddling, was provided to him by… Russian intelligence agency officials! OF COURSE! All the long-standing BS about the smoking gun laptop, and the claims of payoffs to Uncle Joe, all disinformation.
Pally, we’ve been had… tricked. Deadbeat Donald regularly proclaims from atop his clown shoe-box, that the “BIDEN CRIME FAMILY” is crooked to the core, making him the worst President ever.
Smirnoff admitted that officials associated with Russian intelligence gave him the phony intel, which he then used to ‘get’ Biden. And why? Why did he do that? What was he paid… and by who… to do that?
As always, it’s not about doing what is best for ‘We the people’, but for he, the former Scumbag-In-Chief.
After years of having to endure the unproven and unprovable claptrap about the ‘Biden Crime Family’, the Repugs effort to impeach Uncle Joe for crimes unspecified, should finally die the ignominious death that Putin should!
Talk about a Russian hoax. The whole “BIDEN CRIME FAMILY”… is nonsense! All the charges the Repugnicans have proffered against Uncle Joe… in an attempt to invent ANY reason to impeach him… are courtesy of a Russian disinformation campaign… crafted to help create a reason to impeach Biden, and nothing more!
And of course, his hard core, ‘Ultra Maggots” (Ultra dummies I say) believe it. They’ll fall for his bluster and bullshit every time, every fucking time! Because they have to! Else they admit they’ve been tricked and deceived… which is not an option for the true believers.
It was all crafted, and likely paid for, to help him. It’s a disinformation campaign developed by Russia, to help further the end of our democracy. It’s totally fabricated, made in Moscow BULLSHIT! And many of us, are not at all surprised at that truth.
Nothing but bullshit, should be his campaign slogan for 2024. The Biden crime family, Hunters laptop… Hunters fucking laptop!
Were suppose to believe that his unseen, yet still storied laptop, contains information, that would prove, abso-fucking-lutely prove… the criminal enterprise he and daddy have been engaged in.
We all know that Hunter left this laptop at a repair shop… and then somehow… despite the ‘sensitive’ information, the convictable data on it… he just… forgot… about… it. Gee, was he THAT fucking high at the time? (Well, possibly)
Then we’ve been told that laptop, somehow found its way into the “Just For Men’ stained hands of Rudolph Gouhliani? Get the fuck out of here!
So… just who has bought into this Everest of disinformation, just what people cling to their unprovable belief, that Joe Biden is sharing a bed with the Russians, and ‘Ghina’, excuse me, China… or whatever wholly invented bogey man it may be that prop ells their agenda… at the considerable expense of the truth and facts… which…. most of his minions apparently believe, are anything but.
Only a fool, or Trumps MAGGOTS… excuse me, that was a tad redundant… can ignore what is obvious to those not in the thrall of the former ogre in the oval office.
But these are many of his people, the ‘poorly educated’ who he has proclaimed his love for. The exemplars of extreme stupidity, who attend his American Bund rally’s.
The MAGOTTS need something, anything to use against the forgetful old guy… the septuagenarian-In-Chief… yes Jon Stewart, we know he is old… now STFU… the China controlled Democrat at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave… It’s all projection with these Repugnican traitors.
They see Biden as the “Where’s my soup’ superannuated ‘Russian Tool’ in the Oval Office. These Repugnicans do more projecting than every movie theater projectionist ever!
They continue to do Putin’s heavy lifting for him. Those Repugnicans excel at trying to deflect the nation’s attention from the REAL crime family… the one now headquartered out of that overpriced shithouse in Florida.
And I must ask… are you not tired of the lies, Russian spies, and the manipulation of the government, by Repugnican congressional enablers?
Well, not if you are a red cap clad, clown, shoe horned into submission, a reality free loyalist to Deadbeat Donald, my condolences. I do not want to believe all of his loyal minions are so stupid as to not know or admit… that Donnie has no loyalty to this nation at all, at all!
And for those, who may loathe me for what I say, and the manner in which I present it… I only feel sorry… sorry, for those whose political agenda demands they believe… or pretend to out loud… the lunatic ravings of Deadbeat Donald and his enablers.
They’ll tell you that we cannot allow the ‘WOKE’ to continue to be in charge… and by the way, that specious charge… is yet another turd of totally, unmitigated, 40 weight, government grade, bullshit. Just another tool for these tools of Mother Russia to wield badly in their attempt to end this republic.
Bullshit so well-crafted and refined… that it does not even smell all that bad… at least to them. “Hey, do I detect the scent of lilacs in the air”?… er no, N-O, you tools of Trump and his lying legion of losers! You who will never admit to what a fucking mistake you make by continuing to enable Trump.
America may yet realize the extent to which it has been manipulated, deceived, and delivered into the hands of toddler Trumps enablers in the Kremlin. But I fear, yes, I do fear… that we may not be smart enough or informed enough to do so.
If you favor fascism over freedom, then you will not heed this warning. And the last remaining shards of our democracy will perish, if this parsimonious prick should be allowed to become our dictator, but just for day one… day one of the 1,460 or so days this rodent could serve as dictator if enough of us are dumb sufficient to allow it.
That is a fuhrer, I mean future… that could spell ‘Game Over’ for this last great experiment for our kinda, almost, at times… shaky democracy… but one still worth preserving. At least for those who shiv a git about freedom, liberty, and decency.
If you disagree, please comment below, or by E-Mail to Johnplightning@AOL.COM. I will publish all E-Mailed comments here on the book of face, so as to provide you with ‘equal time’. I always welcome polite and constructive interaction with those who may be 180 degrees or so out of sync with my politics.
However, if you just desire to be an odious prick, replying with useless invective, don’t waste my time, or that of those reading this post.
To all others, I thank you for taking the time to read my missive. And if you missed our last Extravagonzo, use the link below, to make up for that mistake, and avail yourself of three hours of the best in radio infotainment.
Thanks again.