As I am not doing a show this Sunday, my written words will have to do, because of the level of anger I have after witnessing the video horror that was Tyre D. Nichols death by cop(s).
If the murder of Tyre Nichols did not disgust you, anger you, sadden you, your humanity is in question. Try to justify what the video evidence shows, and it’s likely your broken in some way.

On Jan. 7, the 29-year-old Nichols, a person of color, was pulled over on ‘suspicion’ of reckless driving in an ‘incident’ perpetrated by 5 law enforcement officers of color. Video footage shows officers pulling Nichols out of the car after which Nichols fled the scene and was apprehended again and beaten to death.

The officers beat Nichols with their fists, a baton, kicks to the head, mace, pepper spray, and a taser. Twenty minutes later… twenty fucking minutes later… one of these brigands called for EMS. When they finally arrive, they seem to move without any particular haste to get him in an ambulance for the lifesaving aid he needed. To which one can only say, WHAT THE FUCK!
The former officers charged with his murder, all of whom are black, were fired last week after an internal investigation and were then arrested Thursday and released on bond within hours.

Five officers of color patrolling a predominantly black neighborhood. Five officers without a hint of decency for one of… ‘Their Own’. And most people of color know that just because officers may share their race, it does not mean better or fair treatment. It can very well lead to bogus charges, or an outcome far worse, as we witnessed.

Diverse policing obviously does not prevent brutality, it does not prevent cops who want to deliver street justice, cops who are pissed that they pepper sprayed each other when trying to ‘subdue’ Tyre, and then had to run themselves breathless to take him down.
They murdered a 29-year-old unarmed man, who by the way, seems to have had no police record, no arrest record, no criminal past, because if he did, I’m sure those lawyers charged with defending those officers, would have certainly let us know that.

One need not wonder why the police are looked upon as an occupying force, the enemy, by those living in crime enriched neighborhoods, AKA, those areas where mainly persons of color live.
The cops of this special enforcement unit that patrols the area of Memphis where Tyre met his doom, have been known to get a bit ‘untidy’ in their enforcement of law and order.
The ‘Scorpion’ unit did what a Scorpion does… KILL. This ‘special’ policing team, oh yeah, they were special alright… specially brutal, killed Tyre, administered a beat down because they could… and then did nothing for 20 minutes after they were satisfied that he was ‘no longer a threat’. Savages, each and every one of them.

Even EMS on the scene were slow in getting Tyre the medical assistance he badly needed. You could even hear one cop say, ‘That was fun’ after helping to permanently subdue Tyre Nichols… ‘Fun’… what a degenerate scumbag.

One wants to support police without equivocation. We want to believe they’re to a man, public servants first, certainly not criminals in disguise. That sure was not true for those thugs in blue who took the life of an unarmed man, with no prior history of criminal activity, an unarmed, gainfully employed man whose life ended for no good fucking reason!
They began to escalate the stop immediately… a traffic infraction stop… or so we are told. And they’ve yet to tell us, just what traffic infraction he committed, if any.
They were pissed from the start, and then got really, really upset, when he literally did run for his life, and they took out their rage on him.
For many police, what we saw was, was business as usual, the type of shit that before body cams and surveillance cams, would go unpunished most every time because the police invariably get the ‘benefit of the doubt’, even though they are trained… trained to lie and back up each other’s lies.

Serial killers, mass murderers, rapist, molesters don’t end up beaten to death like Tyre, who took an unjustified and inhuman beating from pissed off policemen dispensing ‘street justice’… for an alleged traffic violation.
How many beat downs get issued for running a red light? Or for expired tags? Or a signal light out? Or windows a tad too tinted? Any excuse to make a stop, is often excuse enough to lead to disaster.

Yeah, it’s a tough job, blah, blah, blah… BULLSHIT.

Okay, I know, yes, it is a tough job. But if those cops were doing their job properly, Tyre would still be among the living.

I’m known to be critical of, but generally supportive of police. But when being empowered to enforce law and preserve order leads to a death that was wholly unwarranted, there is no excuse, there is no both sides to this murder, there is no “well he shouldn’t have run’ nonsense the media could posit, that can excuse what we witnessed second hand.
President Biden tweeted: Tyre’s death is a painful reminder that we must do more to ensure that our justice system lives up to the promise of fairness and dignity for all.
Yeah, the ‘promise’ of fairness and dignity. Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect? In many situations, that is a lie, a load of shit. Legalized brutality… well, that’s part of the job for rogue officers who disgrace their profession, officers unworthy of being such.

But in the age of cameras everywhere, they often can no longer BS their way out of such inhumanity. If not for the body and surveillance camera video, it is unlikely any serious charges would have been filed. Their beat down would likely have gone minimally or wholly unpunished. Justice for the victim, would not have been served.

This was not a situation where any of those officers was in fear of his life and was not going to ‘go home’ after their shift. Only Tyre did not get to go home.
One cop claimed in the video that Tyree was reaching for his gun, hard to prove, more likely a defense in the making for the assassination, a ‘prove otherwise’ defense. And again, police almost always get the ‘benefit of doubt’.

Every cop involved in that situation bears responsibility. They bear the shame of dishonoring their profession. Every good, decent cop, and yes, I believe they are the majority…hopefully… is tainted by their actions. It is no wonder they are often despised by those they, er… serve.
Why do so many people of color hate and fear the police? Look no further than the about an hour of video that will show you why. Scumbags, each and every one of those motherfuckers.

And if your offended by my words… simply put, you are an asshole.

The reality of some policing is available for all to see. Defend these cops, and you your humanity is in question. How do we stop this shit? Well, sadly, I certainly don’t know. Police ‘reform’ are meaningless words I’ve heard most all my life. I expect little to change.

Only the likely hood that rogue cops will face real justice, can lead to a future, where such incomprehensible violence would not be tolerated… not in a civil society… if only our society truly was. I’m a relatively forgiving guy. I grew up around cops, my Godfather was a decorated NYPD detective, and I had cops as friends. I’ve known most of them to be good people and good cops… most of them.

But I have only disgust and hate for the lowlifes that enjoyed the slow-motion murder of Tyre Nichols, and it seems, for the fuck of it.
I am incapable of the level of forgiveness Tyre’s mom extended to those motherfuckers. May their remaining lives, be as brutal as their beat down of Tyre Nichols. That is all they deserve.

EDIT: I just learned that none other than the ever execrable Al Sharpton, who attaches himself to every such incident, will be doing the eulogy at Tyre’s services next week. His family has now done themselves, and Tyre’s memory a disservice, by allowing this life long grifter, in the disguise of being a ‘black leader’ to be given that duty. I forgive them for their stupid decision, but this scumbag, scumbag, scumbag has made it impossible for me to view the services. Bad decision Mr. & Mrs. Nichols!
A segment on why I loathe ‘The Reverend’, on our next show, Sunday the 5th of February.

EDIT 2: An ‘expanded’ audio version of this commentary, will be posted later today, something those of you who have read my screed, can recommend to your friends, who would rather listen than read. Thanks!